We invite you to know the tourist attractions of Mañihuales in Chilean Patagonia
Mañihuales, is a town located in the Mañihuales Valley, 60 km away from Puerto Aysén and 85 km north of Coyhaique, those that are connected by a winding road with many attractions such as forest, waterfalls, rivers; among others, of singular beauty.
Nearby Attractions

Sponge Lagoon
Laguna Esponja is just meters from the cabins, which in sunny days transforms into a spectacular mirror that reflects the beautiful snowy and forested peaks that accompany it. Next to the lagoon there is a pier and playground that allows you to contemplate it in its entirety.

Ríos Ñirehuao and Mañihuales
Both have great flow throughout the year, ideal for trout fishing (rainbow, brown and aphids). From November onwards, both rivers are suitable for fishing Chinook salmon. Some specimens may exceed 20 kg.

Plaza and urban park Conaf
Interesting attractions inaugurated this 2017. With beautiful games for children and spaces that invite to rest and contemplation of the place. The park was created with characteristic trees introduced in the area to protect us. Since in its beginnings, the town suffered the destruction of part of the nascent town. The intense rains caused a flood that fell down the bed of the Las lavanderas stream until reaching the river.

Cerro el Fang
Characteristic element of the place that welcomes the visitor since kilometers away from the place you can see it as a sign that you are close to reaching your destination. That is why it is a distinctive part of our logo.

Panoramic view of the valley
If you like hiking or trekking in a very short route you can ascend the hill that is located towards the front of the cabins and you can fully appreciate the valley.